Short Essay #01

by Aryawahanse

Those who hear this message are truly fortunate & blessed
  • You also can attain Nibbana
  • No reasons for falling back to samsara,
  • No reasons for suffering. True dhamma is coming forth
  • Golden era of Arahaths is coming again
  • Those great sages who are awaken to the deepest wisdom, are living even these days
  • Auspicious moment is coming for the revelation of that supreme truth, buried and lost with time
  • An era of Arahaths is approaching soon

    It is time to awaken to that deep wisdom
  • By eradicating darkness of ignorance, all misconceptions and wrong beliefs
  • That great light of wisdom, like the brilliant rays of Sun Coming in all directions
  • For the minds free from suffering Comforting wind of release is blowing
  • Are you hearing?
  • The Lion’s roar of supreme truth !

Theruwan Saranai

English Short Notes by Buddothpado Aryanwahanse

Short Essay #02

by Aryanwahanse

  • What is your standpoint?
    Are you in a journey to heavens?
    The day when your story of heavens becomes a mere Sankara, a thought,

  • Where do you want to go?
    A deception, total delusion,
    Really frightening!

  • What is the Truth?
    You are truly helpless
    You are lost in a wheel of Samsara
    At times, you are happy,
    At times, you are sorrowful
    Oscillating between happiness & sorrow,

  • What this life is?
    You are not aware of the Truth
    We are bringing out this Truth
    Listen very carefully!
    This is your own story
    This is your story of freeing from suffering, freeing from Samsara
    Ignorant, mundane world there is nothing to be called permeant
    But free from ignorant existence,
    Transcendental, supramundane field of existence,
    An eternal bliss, ever lasting peace
    That we are talking about

  • Can you hear?
  • There is a way to complete freedom from suffering
    You have a death,
    Since you do not know the Truth.
    We do not have a death
    We have recognised the Truth.

  • Listen carefully
    That supreme Truth, cognisant to deep wisdom, is revealed to you
    We are presenting a very rare, a series of Dhamma discourses, not heard
    Being freed from all suffering,
    That everlasting peace, eternal bliss, is made known to the world

  • Embodied with profound meaning,
    That supreme Dhamma, is not easy at all to explain
    That supreme Dhamma, not found in books,
    Can be expounded only through experiential knowing.

  • Can you write the tase of salt in books?
    Theruwan Saranai

Short Essay #03

by Aryanwahanse

  • Without being practical in Dhamma, there will be no experiential recognition,
  • That sandittika, akalika, aehipassika, opanaika, pachhuppana dhamma cannot
    be explained.
  • It was in that book,
    Lord Buddha said so, That monk said so, It was there, it was here, it was said so etc. etc.,
  • Is it Dhamma being spoken ?
  • Even oneself does not know what is being spoken is correct or not !
  • As long as immersed in the darkness of ignorance in the mundane world,
    everyone bound in wrong views and concepts,
  • As long as external world is true, you are in total delusion, You are bound to suffer,
    No freedom from suffering at all.
  • Recognise the truth, Listen carefully.
  • Deep truth that is grasped by the deep wisdom, cannot be seen by the mind.
  • Being free from thoughts, there is an awakening to deep wisdom.
  • Then only we can see the illusion we are in.
  • Really, we are in a prison of maya, the illusion,
  • Whatever we think to be true, is not true,
  • That is why we all are suffering
    So long as Truth is not known, so long as imprisoned in maya, we are bound to
  • Lord Buddha revealed the Truth to the whole world.
  • As a result, Sidhartha thapasa is known as Samma Sambuddha
  • Really speaking,
    Prince Sidhartha,
    Becomes Buddha,
    Because the supreme truth is recognised & understood by HIS own deep
  • HE is known as Samma Sambuddha

Theruwan Saranai !!!

Short Essay #04

by Aryanwahanse

  • Being free from thoughts, in that emptiness, the Buddha nature is found

  • This is not the ordinary emptiness that you usually think of

  • The delight, found from being freed from the clutches of nama and rupa, is not
    the emptiness expressed here

  • In that emptiness, one loses oneself, being absorbed in the Truth, becomes the
    nature itself

  • This happens through knowing & recognition of the Truth

  • So long as one does not know the Truth, that will not be found

  • Being freed from nama & rupa, being freed from ego – the false individual self

  • The Arya Bumi is found, Arya is not an individual, but being the nature itself
    Arya is not an individual

  • In that field of Arya, Buddha nature is found

  • That Buddha nature exists when freed from the thoughts

  • This cannot be grasped by the mind

  • This dhamma is very practical, you will know it experientially

  • You have to correctly walk along the right path

  • Listen to true dhamma

  • In reality you will not find death

  • You will transcend death when you recognise the Truth

  • This will be known to deep wisdom

  • We are showing the path to awaken to such deep wisdom

  • You have to travel along that path

  • It is very difficult to find those who explains dhamm through their own
    knowing, own recognition

  • We will show you the path
  • It is the correct path, true path

  • It is time to know the truth
    Path to freedom from thoughts
    Path to freedom from suffering
    Path to seeing the Truth

  • This is the way to total Freedom

  • You also will find the correct path

  • Do not try to inquire about the Spiritual Teacher

  • It is no use at all

  • Being freed from ego, the individual sense, how can there be a individual

  • In reality, the nature is preaching to you

  • Be humble and endure

  • The society trapped in false individuality, always needs somebody
    Not knowing the nature is the prime reason

  • This dhamma will be explained tomorrow by others as well
    Individual person is unimportant, what is important is dhamma

  • True dhamma, Find out only that

  • Those who travel along this path should not seek refuge on individuals at all

  • This is where you will be confused & lost

  • If you seek refuge on an individual, you will never find dhamma
    Because, dhamma is nature itself
    Sodhamman passathi – Soman passathi”

  • One who seeks dhamma will finds Buddha

  • Buddha is Nature himself
  • There is no use trying to find it in a form

  • We take refuge on that Supreme Truth, freed from thoughts

  • That is the taking refuge in Buddha
    “Buddhan saranan gachchami”
    Seeing that supreme Truth is dhamma

  • That is the taking refuge in dhamma
    “Dhammam saranam gachchami”
    Of all thoughts
    Objects of thoughts, being free of all is the signless state – animitta

  • Being free from all thoughts is
    “Sangam saranam gachchami”
    If truly take refuge in the triple gem
    You will be assured freed from all suffering

  • By listening to dhamma talks of Buddothpado
    Learn & find out the practical ways to implement in daily life
    And practice the Nibbana path

  • You also can attain Nibbana 
  • Theruwan saranai !!!

Short Essay #05

by Aryanwahanse

  • Why do we die ?
  • Why are we born?

  • Why do we suffer?

  • Why do we cry

  • Why do we repent?

  • Because we do not know the Truth

  • For a small pleasure we do suffer a lot

  • In the end that also do not last long !

  • We inherit only suffering !

  • If Truth is recognised

  • You will be free from all suffering

  • Only Truth exists

  • Truth is Truth Alone existing

  • That Truth can be conveyed only by those who have realised

  • What we express here have been known experientially by us

  • We have realised that Supreme Truth

  • You also inquire it with your wisdom

  • Then something will be known to you

  • That is important, one day you will know experientially, then Truth will come
    out through you

  • Whatever we do, is there any use if it is suffering in the end?

  • This Supreme Truth is very rare

  • This is the end of enormous samsara

  • If you realise this Truth, you will never fall into lower realms


Theruwan Saranai  !!!

Short Essay #06

by Aryanwahanse

  • This is not an ordinary channel
  • This is a doorway to Nibbana

  • Whoever listen to this will surely attain Nibbana, the supreme peace

  • After a number of centuries

  • That Supreme Truth re-emerged

  • Study these dhamma sermons earnestly

  • Truth will be known to you

  • You will be able to see the Truth through you

  • That great sages who are awaken to deep wisdom are living even today

  • You are listening to a series of profound dhamma sermons that will astonish
    the whole world

  • In this land of Lanka, such sermons are not heard at the moment
    A fourteen-hour long dhamma sermon will be presented part by part

  • Best time is approaching to reveal that Supreme Truth, buried by the time for
    so long

  • An era of Arahaths is coming soon

  • It is time to open up that eye of wisdom

  • By eradicating that darkness of ignorance

  • That great light of wisdom, like the brilliant rays of Sun
    Coming in all directions

  • For the minds free from suffering
    Comforting wind of release is blowing

  • Are you hearing?

  • The Lion’s roar of supreme Truth !

  • What is your standpoint?
  • Are you in a journey to heavens?

  • The day when your story of heavens becomes a mere Sankara, a thought,

  • Where do you want to go?

  • A deception, total delusion,

  • Really frightening!

  • What is the Truth?

  • You are truly helpless

  • You are lost in a wheel of Samsara

  • At times, you are happy,

  • At times, you are sorrowful

  • Oscillating between happiness & sorrow,

  • What this life is?

  • You are not aware of the Truth

  • We are bringing out this Truth

  • Listen very carefully!

  • This is your own story

  • This is your story of freeing from suffering, freeing from Samsara
    Ignorant, mundane world there is nothing to be called permeant

  • But free from ignorant existence,
    Transcendental, supramundane field of existence,

  • An eternal bliss, ever lasting peace
    That we are talking about

  • Can you hear?
    There is a way to complete freedom from suffering
    You have a death,

  • Since you do not know the Truth.
  • We do not have a death

  • We have recognised the Truth.

  • Listen carefully

  • That supreme Truth, cognisant to deep wisdom, is revealed to you

  • We are presenting a very rare, a series of Dhamma discourses, not heard

  • Being freed from all suffering,

  • That everlasting peace, eternal bliss, is made known to the world
    Embodied with profound meaning,

  • That supreme Dhamma, is not easy at all to explain

  • That supreme Dhamma, not found in books,

  • Can be expounded only through experiential knowing.

  • Can you write the tase of salt in books?

  • No…….


Theruwan Saranai !!!

Short Essay #07

by Aryanwahanse

  • Path to freedom from thoughts
    Path to freedom from suffering
    Path to seeing the Truth
  • This is the way to total Freedom
  • Buddothpado Aryanwahanse, through his own experiential recognition
    (prathyaksha jnana) reveals the truth as expounded by Lord Buddha.

  • Have you ever encountered a holy one who reveals the pure truth by his or her
    own experiential recognition?

  • This is a very very rare occurrence.

  • It is an extremely rare thing that revealing the experiential insights of the truth
    in line with what has been recorded in books.

  • This series of Buddothpado sermons will take you to Nibbana.

  • You should listen and study the material that is expressed out.

  • Then only you will be able to recognise the truth by yourself.

  • This is not a belief system or a prayer.

  • Buddothpado talks contain the variety of experiences expressed by those who
    are sincerely listening, studying and practising the teachings.

  • Surely you also can have your own recognition and experiences.

  • This is a deep spiritual transformation within.
    This will take to Nibbana by itself.
    It is guaranteed, no one should doubt.

  • “Ekayana Maggo Ayan Bhikkawe…”
    Bhikkus’, there is only one way to Nibbana.

  • It is by removing the ignorance completely.

  • So long as there is ignorance, there will be suffering.
  • This is the time to be free from suffering.

  • That glorious time has re-emerged after 2500 years.

  • The Truth, as told by Lord Buddha, buried for long by the time, is re-emerging.

  • Buddothpado Aryanwahanse is uncovering that profound truth.

  • Can you hear this?

  • Is it not that Truth, being uncovered by Aryanwahanse, you are hearing

  • Is it not this Truth that is being discoursed by most Bhikkus through various

  • youtube channels and other electronic media nowadays?

  • Can you hear those?

  • This uncovering of the true teachings of Buddha makes the re-emergence of
    the Buddha Sasana again !

  • This is wonderful, The Holy One !
    This is mystery, The Holy One !
    Explaining this pure Truth is not easy.
    This is really a great miracle.

  • When you listen to hundred sermons, Surely you will notice your inner
    Certainly, you will end your suffering.

  • Buddothpado Dhamma sermons will open your doorway to Freedom, Nibbana.
    Only see Dhamma

  • Do not look for a person

  • You should avoid going after persons, not being totally dependent on persons

  • Then certainly you will recognise the Truth


Theruwan Saranai

  • Short Essay #08

by Aryanwahanse

  • Do not forget the fact that, we will die one day, no matter what work we have

  • You cannot take anything when you die

  • Do you believe this world you are in, is an illusion, false?

  • Even though we are called Buddhist, if we do not know the Truth, we are not

  • This dhamma we are talking about is very very rare
    Sad thing is that, you will be able to hear such only a short period

  • You go to heavens or Brhama lokas not after death
    It is when you are alive in this life, it is in your thoughts all worlds (lokas) exist.
    Seeing this is not easy

  • We have experiences, otherwise we will not tell this way

  • Dhamma we are expressing is what we have known experientially
    One day you will know the Truth through your own experience, You should
    recognize the Truth, then experiential knowing will happen

  • That worldly pleasures that you are seeing through external things, through
    houses and properties, through career, money, will not last
    But, the freedom, bliss attained by knowing the reality of mind, by recognizing
    the Truth, by detaching from the external, is everlasting

  • This is not after death, while living
    How do you know what happens after death, when you are already dead

  • The lokas you are imagining do not exist externally
    See all through your own mind
    So long as you do not know the supreme Truth you are like a blind person
    Born as a blind
    Live as a blind
    Die as a blind, Do you like this?
  • So long as you do not know the Truth, you are in darkness of ignorance birth
  • after death

  • As a Kalyana Mithra what we can do is only to convey this Truth to all
    This body we are bearing will become earth any moment

  • Having recognized that supreme Truth, we can only convey this to all, that is
    the only duty that we can do

  • You should turn the mind to the Truth

  • One day you will awaken to the Truth

  • Then you will realize all


Theruwan Saranai

  • Short Essay #09

by Aryanwahanse

  • Dhamma sermons you have never heard
  • What is that Buddhism inhabited in the society
  • Does true dhamma prevail in this conventional society?
  • Is it true dhamma available in Buddhist studies schools (Daham pasala), in monastic college (Pirivenas), in the Tripitaka ?
  • What you think is correct
  • How this can be believed?
  • You should not believe what we are telling
    It must be recognized experientially one day
    Until such time do not accept
  • Take it as intellectual knowledge only
  • This is the Truth
  • Truth is Truth
  • If these things are accepted, whole society will attain Sothapaththi (stream entrance)
  • We know the fact that it will not happen that way
  • As per the principles of nature, it will happen step by step 
  • No one should get disturbed
  • An era of Arahaths is coming soon
  • It is our duty to make this true dhamma available and hear by all
  • You should listen and see.

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Theruwan Saranai

Short Essay #10

by Aryanwahanse

  • Give a rest to the mind
  • A consolation for a busy life
  • That mind is so fast
    Always worrying and lamenting
  • The mind that runs lightning speed in the day time
  • Looks forward the night to come
  • To whom the mind can tell its fatigue experiencing?
  • Your mind talking to yourself!
  • Mind likes rest
    You only do not like, you have too many desires, you make the mind run after fulfilling those 
  • At last, wear down!
  • You become helpless, you become lost
    Cravings, desires will never say enough and cease
  • Think for a moment…..
  • Signs of death is heard from all directions
    Any moment You can be dead
  • There is a thing to be done before that
  • The Truth must be known, recognized
  • The duty that to be done to be accomplished
    With what meritorious deeds this rare human birth is gained? 
  • You are indeed a deserving one!
  • You do not understand this!
  • The solution to this great ocean of samsara
    Has come to your feet
    What do you do at this moment?
  • By shaking thousands world elements, does your mind carries away by the turbulent waves of desires?
  • Are you getting lost helplessly in the ocean of samsara?
  • It is you only, your own eyes can be opened to see!
  • We ignite that light of Truth  
    Have your eyes, used to darkness of ignorance, dazzled by the brilliant light of Truth? 
  • Why do you afraid of Truth?
  • See the Truth!
  • Truly there is no death
    You will never get fear of death
    This is true, honestly true
You should listen carefully, know, and
see yourself
This is all a Kalyanya Mithraya can do
Theruwan saranai !!!

Short Essay #11

by Aryanwahanse

  • Body without mind
  • Our own story that we do not see
  • We have never met ourself
  • A Story in a dream, Illusion within illusion
  • Who are we?
  • A Dream freed from dream
  • Can a dream know another dream
  • What is the Truth?
  • Where a mind is there is Nibbana as well
  • Mind itself is an illusion
  • Nibbana is the Present Moment
  • Buddakshanaya is this moment, present moment
  • Awaken to this moment
  • You attain Nibbana in this very life, not after death, while living you
    can attain supermundane joy, you own the levels of attainments of the path, the four noble states
    What is told here is Path to Nibbana
    Listen attentively, Listen carefully

Theruwan Saranai !!!

Short Essay #12

by Aryanwahanse

  • Enter into that Noble ground, Arya Bumi
  • Where it is freed from names
  • Where it is freed from forms
  • That Emptiness, no-thingness is found
  • That is where the path is 
  • That is where the right understanding, Samma Ditti is found
  • That is where the middle path is found
  • That is where the refuge in Buddha nature is found
  • That is where the refuge in dhamma is found
  • That is where the refuge in Sanga is found
  • Unless such a state is reached, no one is called a Buddhist 
  • This is where the Noble ground, the Arya Bumi is
  • The middle path
    Is your path of practice now
  • Recognise the path to Nibbana
  • This discourse is only for this

Theruwan Saranai  !!!

Short Essay #13

by Aryanwahanse

  • Did you see the Buddhakshanaya in your mind?
  • When you see the mind
  • When you see the truth of the mind
  • When you see getting freed from the mind
  • Then, the mind becomes empty, the Sunya state.
  • Have you recognized the Sunnatha Chetho Vimukthi?
  • There is a gap between the two thoughts
  • That is where one sees the Sunnatha Chetho Vimukthi
  • That is where one finds Buddhakshanaya
  • That is where one finds Buddha nature
  • Buddha nature exists in every mind
  • Where there are no thoughts, there is Buddhakshanaya
  • If you see Buddha nature in the mind, certainly you will see Nibbana 
  • Do not forget
  • Prince Siddhartha attained Buddhahood
  • Because Prince Siddhartha realized the supreme Truth, HE became Gauthama Samma Sambuddha
  • But, Buddha nature exists everywhere
  • Buddha nature exists in every mind, and so too in your mind
  • But, recognizing that is not easy
  • To see that, the mind should become that
  • Buddha is not in the clay statue
  • Buddha resides in your own mind
  • Covered in the darkness of ignorance
  • Covered with a myriad of wrong beliefs
  • Such a mundane mind cannot see the Buddha nature
  • Now you have to decide
  • Where you stand
  • So long as the Truth is not known
  • You are in the darkness
  • Even not knowing the basics of Buddhism
  • To this helpless society
  • What can we say?
Theruwan Saranai !!!

Short Essay #14

by Aryanwahanse

Buddha’s words for the future: – Aani Sutta
  • Lord Buddha revealed that a time would come in future the whole society would be indulging in mundane ritualistic offerings (Amisa puja) 
  • In that, it says future Bikkus will not preach Sunnnatha Patisanukktha discourses

Damma replica (Saddamma Prathirupaka) means: 

  1. Discourses indulging ritualistic offerings
  2. Discourses promoting melodious sloka chantings
  3. Discourses promising havens
  • These are predominant as Buddhist doctrine in the current society
  • In fact, these are against the Buddhist doctrine
  • No Nibbana path in those
  • Lord Buddha stated 2500 years ago that,
  • A society of mere sloka (hymn) chanting will emerge 
That era is today
You should be aware of this!
  • There are many things people do not know
  • If Damma is not expounded accurately
  • That is the destruction of the Buddha Sasana 
  • The discourse that we present here is very very important
  • We reveal many matters hidden from society for so long
  • Due to ignorance, You get deceived easily
  • Darkness is in ignorance
  • As long as we do not know Damma, we are blind
  • When You realise the truth
  • That day you will take refuge in the Tripple Gem
  • Until that time there is no much help in Damma
  • Therefore, you will seek refuge in the gods
  • You go to Devalaya (temple) and make vows
  • Whom do you take refuge with?
  • Don’t you have any refuge in Damma?
  • Not knowing the Damma, you have lost Triple Gem!
  • You are helpless, aren’t you?
  • When Bikkus in the society do not know pure Damma, how can you have any help or guidance?
  • When you know Damma,
  • Will you take refuge in the gods? No
  • Where did we go wrong?
This discourse is only for this
Theruwan Saranai !!!

Short Essay #15

by Aryanwahanse

  • Whatever is seen, heard, are all simply thoughts only
  • World is nothing but thoughts – Chittena Niyathi Loko
  • World is created by the mind
  • It is not a reality, an Illusion
  • Every moment see it is as only your mind
  • This is the path to Stream Entrance (Sothapatti marga)
  • Train the mind to see the mind
  • Practice should be practical
  • When practiced this way, 
  • You will directly experience,
  • The Freedom from the externals
  • The Freedom from the world
  • The Freedom from all the suffering
  • The progress attained this way is the Sowan Pala
  • You can attain Sowan Pala
  • You will be freed from Samsara
  • Theruwan Saranai
Theruwan Saranai !!!

Short Essay #16

by Aryanwahanse (31.08.23)

  • Present-day most so-called Buddhists do not know what a Buddhist means
  • How can you be a Buddhist ?
  • By chanting slokas cannot be a Buddhist
  • By mere worshipping statutes cannot be a Buddhist
  • By offering flowers cannot be a Buddhist
  • By going to temples cannot become a Buddhist
  • Being written on the birth certificate, you cannot be a Buddhist
  • Present day most are not real Buddhists, they have laden with all the wrong views
  • These discourses are for the purpose of correcting wrong views
Theruwan Saranai !!!

Short Essay #17

by Aryanwahanse (31.08.23)

  • The way to do day-to-day practice,Being in the Arya bumi
  • How one should act in day-to-day life
  • Desire (thanha) cannot be eliminated instantly
  • Attachment, aversion, ignorance (raga, dwesha, moha) cannot be eliminated instantly
  • When practiced in day-to-day activities, Raga, dwesha, moha, thanha will dissolve gradually
  • We have to follow a path of lessening defilements
  • This is the way a Ksheenasrawa Arahat is born
  • Destruction of dormant taints, and defilements cannot be done forcefully
  • Practice is very important for the one who is on the Nibbana path
  • That is why Lord Buddha emphasized the importance of the practice
  • Those who worship me merely with flowers and lamps are not real worshippers
  • Those who follow and practice my teachings are the real worshippers
  • We must identify that way of practice correctly
  • This series of discourses is only for this purpose
Theruwan Saranai !!!
Short Essay #18

by Aryanwahanse

  • Life without death
  • If you see that Truth! Death is merely a thought.
  • Truly there is no death
  • Recognising this truth is not easy
  • See the truth of the Mind
  • See the Birth & Death in the moment
  • This mind is born and die moment to moment
  • Body becoming earth is not the death
  • If you recognize the Truth this way, you will never find a death
  • That day you are eternal
  • This is the way to recognize the Truth
  • Through this path you will become eternally happy, beyond the worldly existence
  • These discourses are only for this
Theruwan saranai !!!

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